
June 23rd, 2022

Thrive by Five welcomes Queensland’s additional $337 million investment in early learning.


Thrive by Five welcomes Queensland’s additional $337 million investment in early learning

22 June 2022 – Thrive by Five has welcomed the announcement in the Queensland Government’s budget of an additional $263 million over four years and $77 million in ongoing annual funding to support universal access to kindergarten for Queensland children.

Last year Queensland signed up to the national Preschool Reform Agreement and will provide children with the opportunity to attend at least 15 hours of preschool a week in the year before they start school.

Thrive by Five Director Jay Weatherill said, “The Queensland Government’s announcement of $340 million in additional and ongoing funding for universal access to kindergarten is a welcome step forward on early learning reform.

“The NSW and Victorian government’s have set a high bar with a joint announcement of one free year of early learning that will ensure every child in those states has access to five days of play based learning in the year before school.

“Thrive by Five urges the Palaszczuk Government to now match the new commitment in Victoria and NSW and introduce universal early learning for four year olds in Queensland.

“This would be a life-changing investment in the development of children, open up better choices for women and families, help families with cost of living pressure and drive women’s workforce participation.

“Queensland has a prime opportunity to join NSW, Victoria and the Federal government to work together for universally accessible, high-quality and affordable early childhood education and care,” he said.