Productivity Commission Inquiry Into ECEC To Lay Foundation For Reform
9 February 2023 – Minderoo Foundation’s Thrive by Five initiative has welcomed the release of the terms of reference for the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into early childhood education.
The inquiry is expected to lay the foundations for achieving a universally accessible, high-quality early learning and care system in Australia.
The initiative also welcomed the appointment of Professor Deborah Brennan as the Associate Commissioner charged with leading the inquiry.
Thrive by Five’s Director, Jay Weatherill said that these announcements highlighted the potential for necessary and bold reforms to Australia’s early learning and childcare system.
“These terms of reference lay out, in perhaps the most comprehensive and detailed manner, the kind of bold reforms needed to make our country’s early learning and care system truly affordable and accessible for all Australian families.
“From addressing the rapidly escalating workforce crises across the sector and tackling the issue of affordability head-on, they provide a clear outline for the scope of reforms necessary.
“And, the appointment of Professor Deborah Brennan to lead this enquiry is also particularly welcome news.
“As a stalwart supporter of high-quality early learning and one of Australia’s leading academic scholars within the discipline, Professor Deborah embodies the skills and experience necessary to oversee such a significant inquiry.
“It has been clear for a while now that our country’s early learning and care system is leaving too many families behind, and this needs to change.
“The Productivity Commission’s inquiry provides a unique and rare opportunity for our political decision makers to act boldly and implement the reforms necessary to offer every child in Australia the best chance for success in life.
“We look forward to working with the inquiry and with Professor Brennan to help secure the future of Australia’s children,” Mr. Weatherill said.