
May 3rd, 2022

More than 1 million people want action on early learning and childcare this election, Thrive by Five tells politicians.


More than 1 million people want action on early learning and childcare this election, Thrive by Five tells politicians

3 May 2022 – Thrive by Five has highlighted the importance of affordable early learning and childcare for Australians at an event at an early learning centre in Box Hill in Melbourne’s east.

The campaign for action on early learning and childcare has reached its strongest point yet. Thrive by Five has helped bring together 70 organisations which together engage with more than one million parents, educators and experts.

The event was attended by Labor MP Ged Kearney, Liberal Senator Sarah Henderson and Labor Candidate for Chisholm Carina Garland.

Director Jay Weatherill said, “Early learning and childcare encompasses so many of the issues that Australians care about –from the cost of living to jobs to gender equality –not to mention the incredible benefit quality early learning is proven to have on a child’s school performance and future development.“

Unfortunately, early learning and childcare is not accessible and affordable for all Australian families, and the system desperately needs reform.”

The cost of early learning and childcare in Australia is amongst the highest in OECD countries.

A more affordable system would allow an extra 120,000 parents, mainly women, to get back into the workforce, boosting productivity and the economy.

The campaign is backed by Minderoo Foundation. Co-Chair Nicola Forrest said early learning and childcare reform was the most important policy initiative for advancing gender equality.

“It’s shocking that in the Global Gender Gap Index, Australia leads the world in terms of women’s education, yet we’ve dropped down to number 70 for women’s economic participation.

“Too many women are not returning to the workforce because it’s simply not economical to put their children in childcare or early learning.

“We need affordable, universally-accessible, high quality early learning and care and we’re calling on whichever party forms government to make this a formal National Cabinet priority.” Images of the event can be downloaded from Box.

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