
Watch Party: Early childhood goes to the National Press Club in Canberra to tell your story.

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Watch to hear your stories being told to the nation’s journalists, politicians, and policy people.

Join Educators from all over the country to watch as Thrive by Five CEO and former State Premier Jay Weatherill delivers a nationally televised speech on the importance of early learning and childcare at the National Press Club, Canberra.

Jay is taking the stories that you have shared about Australia’s early childhood system – your stories – to make sure that the key decision makers know what the system is really like, and to make sure they hear the changes that you want to see.

The National Press Club is a crucial platform in influencing government understanding of an issue. Presenting your stories at the National Press Club is a monumental step in the campaign for the future of early childhood services. We could not have done it without your time and dedication in telling us the stories that the whole country needs to hear.

Be part of the early childhood professional community and continue the momentum of the campaign to help make early childhood, and the people who work in it, a national priority issue.

This event is part of the Thrive by Five Campaign – a campaign supported by early childhood organisations like United Voice, Early Childhood Australia, Goodstart and the amazing Minderoo Foundation.

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