
Ask Premier Malinauskas to implement the Royal Commission’s recommendations.

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This is an opportunity for a once-in-a-generation reform for children in South Australia!

The Royal Commission has called for bold changes to early learning and childcare in South Australia, to make it cheaper, high quality, and easy to access.

The report delivered to the State Government recommended some incredibly exciting changes, including:

  •  rolling out universal three and four-year-old preschool across the state
  •  investing in rural and remote ️early learning infrastructure
  •  introducing dedicated degrees in education that focus on the first five years of a child’s life

These desperately needed changes would take the pressure off families, allow women to return to work if they would like to and – most importantly – give children access to early education and care, to kick start their learning journeys.

But to make these recommendations a reality, we need the State Government to adopt them.

Premier Malinauskas has already committed to some of the recommendations, including expanding Out of School Hours Care. He’s also said he will look at rolling out a further 12 recommendations from the Royal Commission report, including providing up to 30 hours of preschool per week for the most vulnerable three and four-years olds.

We want to make sure the Premier knows that South Australians want him to implement all of the recommendations from the Royal Commission, to give children and families the best early learning and childcare system.

Will you help flood the Premier’s inbox with emails telling him South Australians want him to act on the recommendations, to make early learning and childcare more affordable, high quality and easy to access? It only takes a moment.

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